1. News -

    From the 1st June, a new provider, n-compass will be delivering adult carer support in Bury.
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    Greater Manchester Victims’ Services (GMVS) provides support to victims (all ages) and witnesses of all crime types across Greater Manchester including victims of Domestic Abuse.
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    It’s Mental Health Awareness Week this week, and with the current COVID-19 emergency affecting the way we live our daily lives, Bury has put together a comprehensive mental health support offer for residents of all ages.
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    Groundswell have developed resources to support people experiencing homelessness during the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
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    NHS Volunteer Responders can provide support to people who need to shield because they are at higher risk of serious medical complications from COVID-19.
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    Bury Council has set up five community hubs throughout Bury to target help and support for those residents most vulnerable to coronavirus (COVID-19).
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    To help the local fight against coronavirus (COVID-19), additional sites are being identified to be COVID Management Services to supplement the service already up and running in Prestwich.
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    A summary of key findings and experiences of the coronavirus pandemic across Greater Manchester.
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    People who live with long-term physical conditions are twice as likely to have poor mental health as those who do not.
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    The NHS is setting up specialist long COVID services for children and young people as part of a £100 million expansion of care for those suffering from the condition.
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    Trauma informed supported accommodation for young people who are homeless/at risk of homelessness/at risk in their accommodation, and who identify as LGBTQIA+
  12. Advice and Information -

    The NHS Healthy Start scheme aims to help those who are pregnant or have responsibility for at least one child under the age of 4, who are on a qualifying benefit or a low income.
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    Dialogue Society in partnership with the Time to Help UK is launching a new project called "Talking Bubble" to bring together dialogue volunteers with individuals who need befriending support.
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    Bury Council have developed a Climate Action Strategy in response to the Climate Emergency which was declared in 2019.
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    Remember, it can take a while to feel confident about breastfeeding, but you're not alone.
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    The Prince’s Trust are currently offering a range of online and in-person courses to help young people build confidence, develop new skills and gain valuable work experience.
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    Ear syringing is no longer considered to be the first line treatment for the clearing of ear wax and it is not a funded service within the NHS for General Practice.
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    There are lots of Covid vaccination clinics coming up in Bury where residents can get their first and second jabs.
  19. Report -

    The Board met virtually on Monday 8th March 2021
  20. Report -

    During 2017/18, GP Practices represented one of the most common areas the people of Bury were talking to Healthwatch Bury about.
  21. Report -

    Healthwatch Bury undertook a piece of qualitative research to explore the issues and concerns affecting people living in Bury with mobility impairment.
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    Healthwatch Bury gathered feedback from service users’ regarding their experiences of both before and after accessing their GP’s about their mental health.
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    Healthwatch Bury undertook a research project identifying issues and concerns of carers when the person, who is being cared for, is experiencing a mental health crisis.
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    In December 2017, Healthwatch Bury reviewed all Bury GP websites to ascertain what specific mental health information they contained.
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    As part of Healthwatch Bury’s Mental Health project in 2017/18, we asked GPs to complete a short survey regarding their experiences with supporting patients with mental health.
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    As part of Mental Health Awareness Week (8th – 14th May 2017). Healthwatch Bury created a survey to assess people's views on mental health stigma and its negative consequences.
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    The concerns around access to dental centres were first brought to the attention of Healthwatch Bury by Bury Coalition for Independent Living service users.
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    We have launched our latest annual report covering 2020-21.
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    There is wide agreement and a good evidence base to indicate that a woman should undergo a holistic assessment of her health, emotional and social needs in pregnancy, often called her booking appointment, before the end of the 12th completed week.
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    Are you struggling with your mental health and emotional wellbeing?
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    These animations explains the entitlements to NHS services and to vaccination for migrants in England and are aimed at healthcare professionals who support migrants in their practice.
  32. Report -

    This report relates to the patients’ comments who visited the Out of Hours Service in Bury or used a home visit service in Bury from Bury and Rochdale Doctors on Call (BARDOC) over Christmas Bank Holidays in December 2015.
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    Healthwatch Bury collected feedback from members of the public about Devolution in Greater Manchester.
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    Online support group for people living with or caring for someone with dementia.
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    There are now walk-in vaccination clinics nearly every day of the week in the borough.
  36. Advice and Information -

    With the full opening of Cohort 12, every person in the UK over 18 years of age is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine.
  37. Report -

    This report is based on the responses collected in each of the participating local Healthwatch areas.
  38. Report -

    Healthwatch Bury received a number of enquiries and feedback relating to patients’ experiences of dental care in 2018/19.
  39. Report -

    A Greater Manchester Healthwatch Collaboration.
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    We have launched our latest annual report covering 2019-20.
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    We have launched our latest annual report covering 2018-19.
  42. Report -

    We have launched our latest annual report covering 2017-18.
  43. News -

    The Prince's Trust are currently offering a range of online and in-person courses to help young people build confidence, develop new skills and gain valuable work experience.
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    On 21 July Diabetes UK will be getting together, they’ll be bringing together friends across the North affected by diabetes for a virtual meet up and they’d love for you to be there!
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    North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) are looking for some help. They are in the process of creating a new youth zone on their website – a dedicated area for young people aged between 4-18 years old.
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    If you need support to respond to your child’s anger or aggression, here’s YoungMinds advice on what you can do and where you can find help.
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    The NCA Membership team is hosting a virtual ‘Your Health Matters’ talk on the topic of Long Covid on Tuesday 13th July 2021.