Local Team Launch Research on Helping Carers for People Living With Dementia

The Empowered Conversations team has secured National Institute for Health and Care Research funding to run a research trial in Greater Manchester.
Older lady smiling

Families of people living with dementia are being invited to join the trial and sign up for an Empowered Conversation Communication Course.  The course offers Carers a space to pause, reflect and re-connect with family members living with dementia.

Laura is a working mother who cares for her father who lives with dementia. Because of his serious difficulties with memory and concentration, even simple conversations can become extremely frustrating and stressful for both of them. Laura was offered the Empowered Conversations course and has since seen a transformation in her experience of talking to her father;

Everything has changed, the whole way I communicate with my dad has changed. I’ve noticed that he has changed, we are calmer together and I am less stressed and in turn so is he.

The Empowered Conversations course has been designed to enable Carers to establish and maintain good communication and relationships with those they support. The research is in partnership with the University of Manchester, Greater Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust and Age UK Salford. Empowered Conversations has been developed over the last 6 years, the course is delivered by a team of experienced facilitators from Age UK Salford.

This trial is the second research study into Empowered Conversations, the first found that the face-to-face version of Empowered Conversations reduced Carer stress and improved communications.  As a result of Covid, the communication has moved to an online course.  The research team are excited to evaluate the online version of Empowered Conversations and will look at the practicalities of running a larger, national trial of the course in the future.

To launch the trial, the team are offering an online launch seminar on 4th May, 1.30pm – 2.30pm for professionals, Carers and people living with dementia across Greater Manchester. To reserve your place click here

If you want to know more. Please contact:


0161 358 2505 


Flyer - Participants Needed