GM LGBTQ+ Advisory Panel opportunities

LGBT Foundation, the facilitating organisation for the GM LGBTQ+ Advisory Panel, is currently recruiting for new Panel members.
three people inside a heart

The GM LGBTQ+ Advisory Panel is one of seven Panels established by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to tackle injustice and inequality in our region. The Panel aims to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people across the city region by putting LGBTQ+ communities at the heart of decision-making in Greater Manchester. They are currently looking for passionate individuals with links to local LGBTQ+ communities to join the Panel - if that sounds like you, visit their website to find out more and how to apply!

They want to have a diverse and representative Panel, so are trying to reach as many different LGBTQ+ people as possible, especially those with lived experience of multiple forms of marginalisation, so please promote these opportunities if you can.

Have your say about LGBTQ+ equality across Greater Manchester  - public engagement survey

To make sure the Panel represents GM LGBTQ+ communities, it is also conducting an engagement survey for members of the public to complete, the results of which will feed in to the Panel's work plan for the year. The survey can be taken using the link below. Please share it with your LGBTQ+ friends, family, and other networks as well!

Take the survey: