Referral Pathway to the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS)

The NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) is a nationally commissioned & funded advanced service that was launched in community pharmacies in England in October 2019.
Woman looking at products at a pharmacy

Electronic referrals from NHS 111 were made to community pharmacies for patients with a minor illness or those needing an urgent supply of medicine. A pathway to expand this to general practice was piloted by NHS England and Improvement in 2019-20, and was agreed as a secure pathway from 1st November 2020 under the name GP CPCS.

How does it work? 

General practices can use this pathway to refer patients with minor illness or low acuity conditions to a community pharmacist, which will increase capacity within general practice for the treatment of patients with higher acuity needs whilst also ensuring patients are provided with the right care by the right person at a time most convenient to them. It is estimated that 6% of all consultations could be safely transferred to a community pharmacy (approx. 10,500 patients per week), which could save the NHS around £20 million.

The Covid-19 pandemic has left general practices at breaking point, with official figures showing a 20% surge in appointments in March 2021

Nick Bostock, GP Online

Wider utilisation of pharmacists’ expertise will help free up capacity for patients who need to see their GP, and will strengthen the relationship between community pharmacy and general practice which will ultimately help improve healthcare for local populations now and in the future.